
Ordinary self-adhesive label is waterproof self-adhesive label?

2023-05-16 超级管理员 Read 130

General film self-adhesive labels are waterproof self-adhesive labels, common waterproof self-adhesive label materials are: PP synthetic paper self-adhesive label, milky PE self-adhesive label, transparent film self-adhesive label, Xiaoyinlong self-adhesive label, PET self-adhesive label and so on can be waterproof.

Next, the self-adhesive printing factory takes the copperplate paper self-adhesive label as an example: for example, pour some water on the carton, wait a few minutes, most of the water is dry, the handwriting of the copperplate paper self-adhesive label is as original, the self-adhesive printing factory will use good water glue, so the label is higher stability, not only can be waterproof, but also do not worry about the label will fall off!

In fact, there are many waterproof self-adhesive label materials. Self-adhesive printing factory can choose the right label material according to the material of the paste surface, the environment used for labeling, the effect that the self-adhesive label design wants to achieve, whether there is a special process and so on!